Welcome James. It's very unusual nowadays to find any JW's who's willing to talk about their beliefs.
I've sent you a PM. (little green envelope - top right)
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Welcome James. It's very unusual nowadays to find any JW's who's willing to talk about their beliefs.
I've sent you a PM. (little green envelope - top right)
it is christmas morning ....the weather outside looks cold grey and dismal (typical britain in winter ) the house is quiet as my wife gets on with something.
.... the street is silent, as dead as the grave.
the tv is full of the purile nonsense that fills airtime this time of year .
Hi Blues Brother, the festive season? The Mass of Christ (Christ mass day) has long ceased to be regarded as a holy day (holiday) for the vast majority of people around the earth who "celebrate" it. http://www.antipas.org/books/xmas/xmas2.html
How many individuals will actually mention the name "Jesus Christ" as they enjoy copious amounts of food and drink and get involved in the regulatory exchange of consumer products? It's become nothing more than a money-making "tradition" which many businesses depend on for their annual profit margins. Aren't you glad to be out of it? However, I don't want to dampen the joyous feelings of people on one of the rare days designed for happiness, gift-giving, and family get-togethers. Have a great time everybody.
how many months consecutively does a jw have to miss turning in time to be inactive?.
I've always understood that if a publisher does not submit a monthly report for 6 consecutive months, then they are automatically referred to as "inactive."
so i woke up this morning with nothing planned for the day.
i rolled out of bed around 9am and went to local mcky ds to get some breakfast, and lord and behold there was a group of jdubs sitting around eating and sipping on coffee, probable counting time.
anyway, i glanced over and recognized all of them and they glanced back at me.
MTSman - I can fully empathise with your feelings as my wife and I experienced the same self-righteous attitudes while we were still in and not woken up yet. However, since fading and researching & comparing WTBTS dogma with what the Bible really teaches, I don't feel anything but sadness for JW's who disdain those who don't conform with what their cult spouts. No JW (not even TPT of the GB) will ever make me feel slighted. I'm better than than them, because I've escaped - they're still in chains.
Undeniable fact: J.W.'s - whether elders or publishers - will very quickly terminate any Bible discussions which highlight an org falsehood. The J.W. cult-mentality dictates that their listening/reasoning abilities switch off if they hear any such Bible proofs. Grow in stature when confronted by such mental pygmies.
so i'm at work and go to my vehicle parked outside the empty property i'm working at and an elderly man comes out of next door and we recognise each other from when we were elders in the same circuit.
he is early 80's in age, a jw since the 1960's and so the next generation in age up from me.. he's an outwardly jolly sort and asks how i am etc.
(knows i'm not an elder but thinks i'm pimi) and asks if i want a cup of tea so i go in and sit in his kitchen for my lunchbreak and have a chat.. i have a little fish around and ask about how jw's in his hall are.
What a sad old man. Yup, everyone is responsible for the consequences of their decisions and actions.
How should we regard such ones who have been deceived and blinded, as many of us here once were? I'll always hold my hand out to such ones. Stupidity by definition is not evil. The real poison within the org is like a snake - it emanates via the head, the G.B. The current GB conclave is overtly more corrupt than any I've ever seen - and they positively revel in their new-found public persona!
Employment for unemployed flag makers! :)
one word for it.....apostate!
Only 8 years to go - woo-hoo!
fantastic new video by the lovely susan gaskin and friend andrea discusses the huge variety of exjw opinions and why our supposed disunity is in reality our strength.
the witnesses will claim we cannot agree and there are nothing but fights and a lack of harmony within our community whereas they are the most unified religion who believe the same things where ever you go.
however andrea points out that this is just an illusion, there is no unity amoung jws.
Uniformity is not the description I'd ever consider applying to Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. The word which describes every aspect of JW's lives is CONFORMITY, a system whereby any independent thinking will readily stand out and can be quickly dealt with.
"behaviour that is acceptable because it is similar to the behaviour of everyone else." (Macmillan Dictionary)
hahaha, i’m so “brazen”, lol.
but we’ve had the jws be pretty active in our territory recently, and i got to say this to them on two separate occasions, to three different borgites, lol!
(it was a glorious moment for me, haha!).
Love it, and gonna use it - as long as I ain't infringing your copyrights! :)
I'll bet they were all cringing. Wonderful.
2017 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 90. .
number of lands reporting: 240. .
Your concern for truth & clarity is commendable. :)